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Faculty List




MA, MPhil, PhD

Participation in Seminars/Conferences/Symposium

Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Seminar Presenter International Seminar Beyond the Colonial Era: The Enduring Legacy of Hydrocolonialism in the 21st Century 28/11/2024 St Stephen's College Pathanapuram International
2 Seminar Presenter National Seminar Finding the Modern: Traditional Beliefs and Gender Roles in Indian Cinema 16/10/2024 ICCSR and TETSO College National
3 Conference Presenter International conference on Indian Diaspora Women and Patriarchy: Question of Inclusion, Cultural Identity, and Violence organised by CSSEIP and University of Hyderabad. Capitalist Patriarchy: Reading the Politics of Ethnic Food in Sandeepa Mukherjee Datta's Bong Mom's Cookbook 18/12/2023 University of Hyderabad International
4 Conference Presenter International Conference on Sustainble Developments and Interspecies Ecologies Ecofeminism and Sexuality in Select Works of Han Kang 29/09/2023 Berhampur University International
5 Conference Presenter International Conference of Culture and Gender Feminist Analysis of Women's Labour in Bong Mom's Cook Book 18/10/2022 Department of English Sree Keralavarma College on association with Kerala Sahitya Akademi International
6 Conference Presenter International Memory Studies Conference: Memory in a Digital Age Archiving Food, Archiving Memory: A Feminist Study of Select Food Blogs 23/08/2022 IIT Madras International

Invited Talks

Sl.No. Title of the Program Name of the Program Date Name of the Institution
1 Feminist Culinary Narratives Guest Lecture 27/10/2023 CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
2 Academic Writing Orientation session 19/07/2023 CHRIST (Deemed to be University)
3 Gender and Boundaries Orientation session 12/07/2023 CHRIST (Deemed to be University)

Workshop/FDP/Training programme Attended

Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Date
1 AI Driven Teaching Strategies for Enhanced Learning Gokul Global University National 11/01/2025
2 IFDP on Navigating The Future : Innovations and Strategies in Teaching and Research Kristu Jayanti College International 26/09/2024
3 30 MM Training CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Institutional 07/03/2024
4 Scaffolding Adult Learning Through Learner Centered Approach CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Institutional 05/03/2024
5 Orientation Staff Development College, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) 14/03/2023
6 International Virtual Faculty Development Programme on Contemporary Trends in English Language and Literature Sri Guru Teg Bahadur Khalsa College International 10/01/2023
7 FDP CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Institutional 05/12/2022
8 Induction Program Staff Development College, CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Institutional 01/12/2022

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